Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beach Day! Wednesday February 1, 2012

Beach day at last! AIFS is planning two beach days for us by the end of summer, and today was the first.
We went to Strand beach, a flat sandy beach only about twenty five minutes away.

On the way there, we stopped at a grocery store. That offered no vegetarian sandwiches. Will I ever win? Better than that, though, I found some guacamole and corn chips! Avo, as they call avocado here, is on practically everything from pizza to breakfast sandwiches. I love it. I also snagged some chocolate-covered sunflower seeds, which are quite pricey but worth it in taste.

We spent about three hours lounging out in the sun and playing frisbee on the beach. The beach was completely deserted except for our group of 30 Americans and about a dozen people in green jumpsuits who worked  to clean the beach.
One of the most beautiful things about the beach is the view. Looking to the right and the left, you see hundreds of feet of beach but then along the edges, it curves off into a point. Along the point you can see small and large houses of Cape Town along the seaside.
The snails nomming on a dead fish...or something.
Wildlife? I saw the craziest little creatures today. I thought I noticed some hermit crabs racing about so I grabbed one only to find out they were not hermit crabs, but speedy snails! They use their two antennae to pull themselves across and sometimes under the sand. 

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